Cleveland, renowned for its picturesque tree canopy, is facing a looming crisis as one of its most essential assets—the trees themselves—rapidly diminish. In response to this pressing issue, new initiatives are taking root in "Forest City," aiming to bolster climate resilience and address environmental justice concerns. The lands surrounding Ohio's second-largest city have … [Read more...] about This major American city is facing a crisis as one of its most important assets faces destruction: ‘Facing a lot of risks’
La Plata: A City of Geometric Symmetry
La Plata is a planned city in Argentina, created upon the urban planning paradigm of the late 19th century. It was designed in a very strict grid-pattern form, with many avenues and diagonals resulting in a quite satisfying geometric symmetry when seen from above. The city was founded in 1880, after the city of Buenos Aires was declared the federal capital of Argentina. The … [Read more...] about La Plata: A City of Geometric Symmetry
Skyscrapers Existed in the Middle Ages: The Italian City of Bologna Was Like Manhattan Back Then
When we think of skyscrapers, we often envision the modern steel and glass giants that dominate the skylines of our bustling cities today. But did you know that back in AD 1200, the Italian city of Bologna boasted around 180 towers that we would consider skyscrapers today? The tallest among them, standing at an impressive 320 feet (97 meters), still graces the … [Read more...] about Skyscrapers Existed in the Middle Ages: The Italian City of Bologna Was Like Manhattan Back Then
Long-Lost Treasures And Temple Found Among Sunken Ancient City
Astonishing discoveries emerge from the depths of Thonis-Heracleion, the submerged city off Egypt's coast. Amidst the ruins of a fallen temple, divers unearthed a trove of riches, including gold artifacts, intricate jewelry, ceramics, and offerings to deities. Thonis-Heracleion, once known as the Venice of the Nile, thrived 2,300 years ago, becoming a Mediterranean hub. … [Read more...] about Long-Lost Treasures And Temple Found Among Sunken Ancient City
Lugo: A Timeless Marvel, the Only City Embraced by Roman Walls
Nestled in the captivating Autonomous Region of Galicia in northwestern Spain, lies the enchanting city of Lugo, a place like no other in the world. For here, the passage of time seems to have stood still, preserving a remarkable treasure from the ancient past. Lugo proudly boasts of being the sole city on Earth encircled by completely intact Roman walls, standing tall and … [Read more...] about Lugo: A Timeless Marvel, the Only City Embraced by Roman Walls