The Aspinall Foundation, renowned for its efforts in rehabilitating captive gorillas and returning them to their natural habitats, has witnessed countless heartwarming stories of these majestic creatures finding their way back to the wild. However, the story of Damian Aspinall and Kwibi is truly exceptional. Damian, the driving force behind the Foundation, raised Kwibi from … [Read more...] about Everyone Warned Him About The Gorilla He Raised. When They Meet 5 Years Later, I Can’t Hold Back The Tears.
Emotional animal stories
Abandoned dog was found starving in the middle of the road — now she’s getting the life she deserves
It’s truly heartbreaking that anyone would abandon a dog. We’ve seen so many sad stories of dogs found in terrible condition after being left for dead. But thankfully, there are also kind people willing to give these dogs a second chance and the love they deserve. Now, one dog is getting a very happy ending just a week after being found starved and abandoned. On June 2, a … [Read more...] about Abandoned dog was found starving in the middle of the road — now she’s getting the life she deserves
Cow cries all day and night for her lost calf – then she looks through the gate and sees the unimaginable
Seeing a mother separated from her child is always heartbreaking to watch. Regardless of whether the mother is human or in this case, from the animal kingdom, the breakup is equally painful. This cow mourned her calf so much, she couldn’t stop crying. Hearing her cries hit me straight in the heart. Karma was rescued from a small farm where she was forced to live in … [Read more...] about Cow cries all day and night for her lost calf – then she looks through the gate and sees the unimaginable