As the holiday season unfolds, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) presents astronomy enthusiasts with a captivating celestial gift—a stunning view of Uranus. Building on a spectacular image captured earlier this year, the space telescope has been diligently observing the distant ice giant planet, unraveling a tapestry of details previously unseen. The latest image, … [Read more...] about A Shiny Uranus Is JWST’s Holiday Gift For Us All
Finally, JWST’s First Full Color Image Is Here—But This Is Just The Start
Well, this just shows that Hubble’s successor is going to more than fulfill its potential. The first full-color scientific image from the JWST, the largest and most potent observatory ever launched into space, was unveiled today by President Joe Biden. The first image of the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723 has been released, and we are in awe. Last week NASA teased the five … [Read more...] about Finally, JWST’s First Full Color Image Is Here—But This Is Just The Start