In the bustling city of Melbourne, Australia, an ordinary morning took an extraordinary turn when a man chose to rescue a life over the daily grind. The hero of our story, Raden Soemawinata, was headed to work when he witnessed a dog in dire need. It was a typical workday morning, and Raden was on his way to his job. The thought of another day at the office loomed large, … [Read more...] about A Hero’s Choice: Saving a Life Over a Day’s Work
Dog wakes sleeping family up in the middle of the night — saves teen’s life from stroke
It’s great to have a dog around the house: they are such loyal and protective animals with incredible instincts, and can often detect danger before humans can. And sometimes, their intervention saves lives. That was the case recently, when a family dog saved the life of a teen having an unexpected stroke. On August 26, Amanda Tanner, from Spring, Texas, was woken up by … [Read more...] about Dog wakes sleeping family up in the middle of the night — saves teen’s life from stroke
‘Old Photos In Real Life’ Shows How Time Changes Everything
People shared ‘old photos in real life’ that shows how time changes everything in a subreddit and here are 35 of the most interesting photos. 1960s cladding being removed from a 1920’s building 1960s aluminum cladding being removed from the Hedrick Building in San Antonio, Texas, revealing its original Spanish Baroque decoration. The cladding won a Renovation of the Year … [Read more...] about ‘Old Photos In Real Life’ Shows How Time Changes Everything
Life Finds a Way: The Tree of Life in Olympic National Park
The aptly named Tree of Life in Olympic National Park, Washington, challenges nature in a remarkable way. Suspended between two cliffs, with its viewable roots seemingly supplying it with life from no soil, the Tree of Life is a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of life. The Tree of Life is a Sitka spruce, a common tree in the Pacific Northwest. But this particular … [Read more...] about Life Finds a Way: The Tree of Life in Olympic National Park
The Curious Life and Surprising Death of the Last Dodo on Earth
The dodo was a flightless bird that lived on the island of Mauritius. It was hunted to extinction by humans in the late 17th century. The last confirmed dodo sighting was in 1662, but a 2003 estimate by David Roberts and Andrew Solow placed the extinction of the bird around 1690. The dodo was a large bird, about the size of a turkey. It had gray-brown plumage, a large … [Read more...] about The Curious Life and Surprising Death of the Last Dodo on Earth