Cleveland, renowned for its picturesque tree canopy, is facing a looming crisis as one of its most essential assets—the trees themselves—rapidly diminish. In response to this pressing issue, new initiatives are taking root in "Forest City," aiming to bolster climate resilience and address environmental justice concerns. The lands surrounding Ohio's second-largest city have … [Read more...] about This major American city is facing a crisis as one of its most important assets faces destruction: ‘Facing a lot of risks’
Budweiser accused of “mutilating” their iconic Clydesdales — make a major change that has animal lovers cheering
The Budweiser Clydesdales are some of the most iconic company mascots in the world. These teams of majestic horses have been around since the 1930s, and continue to win hearts across the country with public appearances and their famous Super Bowl commercials. But this year, Budweiser came under fire from PETA for how they treat their horses — and now, the company is making a … [Read more...] about Budweiser accused of “mutilating” their iconic Clydesdales — make a major change that has animal lovers cheering