Nestled on the volcanic island of Saint Helena, where Napoleon Bonaparte spent his final years, resides a remarkable creature – Jonathan, the oldest living land animal on Earth. Boasting a staggering age of 192 years old, Jonathan's life stretches back to a time before the telephone, lightbulb, or even the postage stamp. This gentle giant, a Seychelles giant tortoise … [Read more...] about Meet Jonathan, the oldest tortoise in the world
The World’s Oldest Known Temple, Which Was Built 7,000 Years Before the Stonehenge Circle, Puts the People of That Time Into a Different Perspective
Göbekli Tepe, the world’s earliest-known temple, was built around 11 500 years ago, when woolly mammoths still roamed the Earth, and Britain wasn’t yet an island. In 1963, scientists from Istanbul University and the University of Chicago found ancient stone tools while conducting a survey on the hill of Göbekli Tepe (which means ‘potbelly hill’ in Turkish) not far from the … [Read more...] about The World’s Oldest Known Temple, Which Was Built 7,000 Years Before the Stonehenge Circle, Puts the People of That Time Into a Different Perspective
Oldest living Japanese American, 110, shares her longevity tips and the 1 food she eats every day
At 110 years old, Yoshiko Miwa isn't one to dwell on the negative aspects of life. As the oldest living person of Japanese descent in the United States, she has witnessed and endured significant historical events, including the Spanish flu, World War II, and the loss of loved ones. Yet, Miwa's advice for longevity remains simple: Don't dwell. Born in Guadalupe, California, … [Read more...] about Oldest living Japanese American, 110, shares her longevity tips and the 1 food she eats every day
This Is the World’s Oldest Football And It Has a Fascinating Story
It’s almost 500 years old. Did you know that the world’s oldest football was discovered in Stirling Castle, Scotland, UK? It was found in 1981 during enabling works in the castle, which was used by Mary, Queen of Scots, during her reign in the 16th century. The ball had been hiding lodged in the rafters of the Queen’s Chamber, and was gifted to the Stirling Smith Art … [Read more...] about This Is the World’s Oldest Football And It Has a Fascinating Story
Oldest mosquito fossil comes with a bloodsucking surprise
In a groundbreaking discovery shedding light on the ancient history of mosquitoes, researchers have uncovered the oldest-known fossils of these blood-thirsty insects. Dating back 130 million years to the Cretaceous Period, the fossils, two male mosquitoes found encased in amber near Lebanon's Hammana town, challenge conventional wisdom about mosquito evolution. While modern … [Read more...] about Oldest mosquito fossil comes with a bloodsucking surprise