In a heartwarming display of nature's resilience, a pair of bald eagles in Big Bear, California, named Jackie and Shadow, have become the focal point of a livestream capturing their unwavering commitment to safeguarding their eggs during a severe winter storm. The avian duo's remarkable dedication has drawn the attention of thousands of viewers, providing a glimpse into the … [Read more...] about 2 Eagle parents took turns getting covered in snow to protect their eggs from the California storm
Indigenous People in Alaska Invented Snow Goggles Centuries Ago To Protect Eyes and Improve Vision
Anyone who has spent a lot of time outdoors in the snow knows how important it is to protect your eyes. The bright sun bouncing off the white snow can lead to snow blindness, a very uncomfortable situation caused by too much exposure to UV light. Indigenous peoples in the Alaska region were certainly aware of these dangers, and have been creating eyewear to protect themselves … [Read more...] about Indigenous People in Alaska Invented Snow Goggles Centuries Ago To Protect Eyes and Improve Vision
A Spider Venom-Based Molecule That Could Protect Your Heart From Attack
After a heart attack, a chemical derived from the venom of a funnel-web spider may prevent cells from dying, as it was previously demonstrated to have a similar potential after strokes. Many people could get a heart attack when they come upon a K'gari funnel web spider (or at least feel like one is imminent). But soon, the spider's venom may serve as the foundation for a … [Read more...] about A Spider Venom-Based Molecule That Could Protect Your Heart From Attack