Amidst the serene snow-covered landscape of Big Bear Valley, California, a heartwarming saga unfolds as a devoted bald eagle dad, Shadow, eagerly tends to his nest. Recent developments have left him pleasantly surprised, as captured in a heartening video shared by the nonprofit Friends of Big Bear Valley. The anticipation mounted as Shadow, patiently awaiting his turn to … [Read more...] about Bald eagle dad sees third egg for the first time in CA nest, video shows. ‘So proud’
Photographer Captures a Proud Lion Triumphantly Standing on a Hill of Bones
Simon Needham, a LA-based photographer, was visiting the GG Conservation in South Africa when he stumbled across a breathtaking scene. An big lion stood proudly on a heap of bones, surveying his domain. The atmosphere was reinforced by the atmospheric sky that encircled him, as the golden light matched the animal's golden fur. It was the ideal shot. Needham, who frequently … [Read more...] about Photographer Captures a Proud Lion Triumphantly Standing on a Hill of Bones