In the tranquil embrace of the White Rock Bear Shelter in Ukraine resides a bear named Chada, who stands as a living testament to resilience and the transformative power of care. At 24 years old, Chada's journey from exploited performer to sanctuary dweller is a tale that touches the heart and invites reflection on the remarkable capacity of animals to overcome … [Read more...] about Drowsy Bear’s Morning Ritual Turns Her Into the Icon of Lethargy and Rest
Unlikely Friendship: Warthog and Family of Mongooses Form Partnership for Peculiar Cleaning Ritual
In the animal kingdom, unlikely friendships and partnerships can form, and a recent sighting in Uganda's Queen Elizabeth National Park is a heartwarming example of just that. A conservationist named Dr. Andy Plumptre captured a peculiar cleaning ritual between a warthog and a whole family of mongooses. According to Dr. Plumptre, the park's warthogs have learned to lie down … [Read more...] about Unlikely Friendship: Warthog and Family of Mongooses Form Partnership for Peculiar Cleaning Ritual
Stunning Photos Capture a Mating Ritual Between Two Life-Long Bald Eagle Pairs
Acrobatic flying displays strengthen the ties between life-long bald eagle pairings. Mating season varies widely depending on area. It may endure from late September to November in the South, and from January to March in the Great Plains and Mountain West. It lasts from late March until early April in Alaska. The bald eagle is monogamous and believed to couple for life, … [Read more...] about Stunning Photos Capture a Mating Ritual Between Two Life-Long Bald Eagle Pairs