In the heart of Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo, lies the Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rescue Center, a sanctuary managed by the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOS). It stands as the world's largest refuge for orphaned and displaced orangutans, sheltering over 600 of these remarkable primates. In the afternoons, young orangutans return from their Forest School … [Read more...] about Standoff Between Orangutan And Its Babysitter
Blind dog stabbed multiple times in standoff makes a full recovery and finds a new home
It’s heartbreaking how cruel some people can be to animals: one sweet, blind dog was stabbed multiple times during a standoff and barely survived, left in critical condition. But after a long road to recovery, the dog has finally gotten some happy news. In late April, police responded to a domestic dispute between a father and son in Lenoir City, Tennessee. According … [Read more...] about Blind dog stabbed multiple times in standoff makes a full recovery and finds a new home