In a peculiar twist of events, Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei has disclosed an unusual experience during his inaugural space mission aboard the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. According to recent reports from China Central Television, Yang Liwei recounted hearing sporadic knocking sounds during his 21-hour journey in space. Describing the phenomenon, Yang Liwei likened the sound to … [Read more...] about Chinese Astronaut Says He Heard A Strange Knocking Sound While Alone In Space
Spotted These Strange Underwater Orbs? Leave Them Be!
If you see a cluster of round, jelly-like objects underwater, resist the urge to take them! And even more importantly, don't disturb the area! Those are most likely octopus eggs. The mother octopus lays these eggs and then dedicates herself entirely to their care. She stays right underneath them, keeping a watchful eye and never leaving to find food. Somehow, she manages … [Read more...] about Spotted These Strange Underwater Orbs? Leave Them Be!
Can you crack the identity of this strange tool that’s making the internet go nuts?
If you’ve ever gone treasure hunting in your grandparents’ home, you’ve likely dug up some unusual objects that leave you scratching your head. Recently, an online user shared a photo of some metal instruments that – if not for the nut-shaped bowl they sit – look like little weapons. Netizens jumped in with their thoughts, sharing various uses for these odd objects, one … [Read more...] about Can you crack the identity of this strange tool that’s making the internet go nuts?
Mom is woken by strange growl from pit bull, rushes into son’s room to witness dog’s actions
Dogs are not only man’s best friend — they can also be man’s life savers. And in the case of this story, a 10-year-old boy’s. Pit bull Ember was a rescue dog and one day, Tracy and Tony Daniels decided to save him and offer him a forever home. Little did they know just how much the sweet dog would pay the favor back one day. Certain dog breeds have less than favorable … [Read more...] about Mom is woken by strange growl from pit bull, rushes into son’s room to witness dog’s actions
Animals are acting strange at an Arizona national park. Now officials have theory why
Recent reports from Saguaro National Park near Tucson, Arizona, have raised alarm as various animals, including foxes, raccoons, and a bobcat, exhibit peculiar behavior. Officials suspect that the cause behind this unusual conduct may be rabies, a viral infection that poses risks to both animals and humans. The concerns escalated following a bobcat attack on a 66-year-old … [Read more...] about Animals are acting strange at an Arizona national park. Now officials have theory why