In the picturesque landscapes of Austria's Lake Millstatt, a breathtaking natural spectacle unfolded as amateur filmmaker Peter Maier, 27, captured a stunning timelapse video of a storm unleashing a deluge of water into the tranquil waters of the Alpine lake. The captivating footage showcased the mesmerizing weather phenomenon known as a wet microburst, revealing the sheer … [Read more...] about Tsunami from heaven: Spectacular timelapse footage captures storm dumping tonnes of water in an Alpine lake
Tsunami Clouds: A Rush of Fog
Fog occurs when the relative humidity reaches near 100 percent, which is achieved by either adding moisture to the air or dropping the temperature of the surrounding air. Fog can be dense or thin, and it can form suddenly and dissipate just as rapidly, making for unique photographic images if your timing is right. Thanks to the people at Panhandle Helicopters in Panama City … [Read more...] about Tsunami Clouds: A Rush of Fog