Waxwings are beautiful birds known for their bright plumage and playful personalities. However, they are also known for one unusual habit: they love to eat fermented fruit, which can make them drunk.
Fermented fruit is fruit that has begun to decompose. This process produces alcohol, which is what makes the fruit intoxicating. Waxwings are particularly attracted to berries that have fermented, such as mountain ash berries and juniper berries.
When waxwings eat fermented fruit, they can become quite drunk. They may lose their coordination, fly erratically, and even pass out. In some cases, waxwings have even been known to die from alcohol poisoning.
Despite the risks, waxwings continue to eat fermented fruit. It is believed that they are attracted to the high sugar content of fermented fruit. Fermented fruit is also a good source of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.
Wise passers-by are often seen collecting drunk waxwings from sidewalks and putting them in safe places until they sober up. This helps to protect the birds from predators and other hazards.
Here are some tips for helping a drunk waxwing:
- Gently pick up the bird and place it in a safe place, such as a box or a cardboard carrier.
- Make sure the bird has access to fresh water and food.
- Keep the bird in a warm, quiet place.
- Do not try to feed the bird alcohol.
- If the bird does not sober up after a few hours, contact a wildlife rehabilitator.
By following these tips, you can help a drunk waxwing sober up and return to the wild safely.
Thank youo,