“It’s crazy how quick you can feel attached to a helpless little baby like that!”
Katie Long noticed a person waving a hand in the middle of the road while traveling to Mountain View, Arkansas, for the weekend.
A little kitty was standing in the street, drenched and terrified.
Long told us, “I stood there in shock for a little while, then we pulled her out of the road to try and figure out what to do.
As they continued to scour the small hamlet, Long began to lose hope that the kitten’s mother was still around. The worried kitty, unable to be left alone, clung to Long in the meantime.
We looked everywhere, but we couldn’t find a mama, Long remarked. She would come back to me crying after I put her down, which caused me to cry.
Long walked up to a nearby basic store and inquired of those enjoying their lunch outdoors if they were aware of any lost cats. Sadly, they were clueless.
Long claimed, “Everyone stared at me like I was crazy.”
You can watch a video of Long describing her quest for the kitten’s family here:
Long accepted the notion that she would probably have to leave the kitten at a nearby animal shelter because she was still left with no solutions. She was looking for cover when she caught a glimpse of a man going to his mailbox out of the corner of her eye. She had a feeling he had the solutions.
We sped over, and I jumped out of the car holding her in my arms, according to Long. “I enquired of him if he knew where her family was. Oh yeah, I guess Bill’s cat just had kittens, he said.
The kitty and her family were reunited not long after.
The mother of the kitten was overjoyed to have her youngster back at home.
When we arrived, Long noticed three cats in the front yard, one one that was eerily similar to her. Mama immediately began feeding and washing her when I set her down.
Long is thrilled that the kitten is back in her rightful place and that she was able to contribute to saving an animal.
I’m amazed that we located her family. Long spoke. It’s amazing how quickly you may develop feelings of attachment to a defenseless infant.
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