In the bustling city of Cheongju, South Korea, a starving and frail kitten found himself alone and abandoned in an alleyway.
His fate seemed sealed as the poor cat was brought to a kill shelter, with no one expecting him to survive.
But then a compassionate woman named Rachel Brown stumbled across the little guy during her daily routine of looking through cats who had been brought into kill shelters.
Determined to give him a chance at a better life, she made a life-changing decision to adopt the cat.
going to the vetPosted by Jon Snow Kitty Updates on Monday, August 15, 2016
Left abandoned and forsaken in a desolate alleyway in South Korea, a white cat, later given the name Jon Snow, battled to survive. Starvation, dehydration, and a severe upper respiratory infection had left his already frail body further weak.
With every ounce of strength, he scoured the barren streets in search of sustenance and refuge, confronting the brutal truths of life on the streets. Yet, unbeknownst to him, destiny had another path awaiting Jon Snow.
In the year 2016, a woman named Rachel Brown embarked on a mission to find a feline companion to adopt. Dedicated to her cause, she diligently sifted through countless records of cats in South Korea that had ended up in kill shelters.
Amongst the names on her list, one particular cat caught her attention—Jon Snow. In an instant, Rachel’s heart recognized a profound connection, and she instinctively knew that he was the perfect match for her.
With the assistance of her Korean-speaking boyfriend, Rachel asked if he could talk to the shelter on her behalf, to inquire about the availability of the cat.
However, the response they received from the shelter shocked them.
”The shelter owner said don’t adopt him, his treatment would be very expensive, but was reluctant to give us a guess on how much. He said he is very sick, it’s nice what you want to do, but he isn’t worth it. That basically solidified my decision and I told him I would be there the next day to pick him up,” Rachel writes.
Upon Brown’s arrival at the shelter to retrieve Jon Snow, she discovered him huddled uncomfortably within a wire cage, with a plate of food untouched before him. After completing the necessary paperwork and adopting Jon Snow, Rachel took him to the nearest emergency 24-hour vet.
First I want to say thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far, I’m absolutely overwhelmed and I appreciate it…Posted by Jon Snow Kitty Updates on Monday, June 27, 2016
”They took his blood and tested it. He came up coronavirus positive. They cut off some of his matted fur and cleaned his face with a fine tooth comb. He weighed 1.5 kg, and they said he was 1-2 years old,” she writes on Jon Snow’s Facebook page.
The situation was critical, and the veterinarian took Rachel aside to explain the severity of Jon Snow’s health status. The veterinarian delivered the distressing news that there was an 80% probability that Jon Snow had contracted Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a fatal and untreatable disease resulting from a coronavirus mutation. She explained that his kidneys and liver were deteriorating, leaving little hope for his survival.
Rachel, however, remained determined and steadfast in her support for her beloved companion. Jon Snow spent five days in the hospital, which was located a 30-minute train ride away from Rachel’s town. Undeterred by the distance, she made it a point to visit him every day after work, ensuring he received the care and attention he needed.
I’m going to quickly update for Day 5, Jon got a blood test and everything came out normal! Which is crazy considering…Posted by Jon Snow Kitty Updates on Thursday, June 30, 2016
Thankfully, Jon Snow showed gradual signs of improvement with each passing day.
”On the fifth day, they tested his blood again and his levels were NORMAL. They said they had never seen any cat improve as fast as Jon did. I asked about FIP and they said they didn’t suspect it anymore. It is commonly mis-diagnosed. I was able to take him home on the sixth day,” Rachel explained.
Now began the journey to rehabilitate Jon Snow and provide him with all the love he needed to live a normal life as a cat. Rachel continued administering medications to Jon Snow at home for a week, and the treatment was effective. She provided him with medication for his inflamed stomach and upper respiratory infection (URI), along with anti-bacterial and steroidal eye drops. Furthermore, she applied anti-fungal cream to his face, which had lost its fur, and supplemented his diet with liver support supplements.
It’s Jon’s second gotcha day. Two years with this angel boi. So happy every day that he was so strong and that he got better so he could live a spoiled life with me. Thankful <3 🙂Posted by Jon Snow Kitty Updates on Tuesday, June 26, 2018
”I have watched Jon improve every single day from the day I got him and he is truly a little miracle. He loves to play with his toys and his boxes. He loves to eat his food and drink water. He never had to be litter box trained. He follows me around my apartment and always wants to be near me. He sleeps with me in my bed and sometimes right on top of my head on my pillow,” Rachel writes.
Today marks seven years since Rachel rescued Jon Snow and granted him the life every cat deserves. She continues to provide updates on his progress through the Facebook page “Jon Snow Kitty Updates,” and from all indications, Jon Snow appears to be living a wonderful life filled with love and care.
Yesterday marked 6 years with beautiful Jon!! He has been with me in 2 countries, 4 apartments, and now our house,…Posted by Jon Snow Kitty Updates on Monday, June 27, 2022
It is truly marvelous when people make significant sacrifices to save defenseless and “unadoptable” cats. This story just shows you that there is not such thing as an “unadoptable” pet. Rachel deserves a big applause for being such an exemplary individual with a remarkable heart!
Thank you for allowing us to accompany you on this incredible journey with a happy ending. If you believe that your animal-loving friends on Facebook would appreciate this heartwarming story, please press the share button so that more people can smile and witness how well Jon Snow is doing today.
Why couldn’t you post an “after” picture, disappointed!!