When he heard the girls scream he knew exactly what to do.
When Morocho was confronted by a puma, the Dogo Argentino chose to sacrifice his life to save two tiny girls.
The Dogo Argentino is a giant white, muscular dog that was bred in Argentina for big game hunting, according to Wikipedia.
They were known to go on wild boar hunts. Dogo Argentinos are also developed to guard their human companions.
That’s presumably why Morocho had an easier time taking down a puma.
Dogo Argentinos were initially bred by Antonio Nores Martinez.
His grandson then took over. Dr. Ulises D’Andrea Nores would frequently visit the breeding facility to see that his grandfather’s work was continuing.
“I feel quite safe when I have Dogos in my house,” Carolina Cappalletti, Ulise’s wife, remarked.
In 2008, Nores’ family was spending a day on their property with some friends when Morocho demonstrated that grandpa’s legacy had been effective.
Sofie Cappaletti and her friend’s daughter Yoli were playing near their favorite fig tree, where they like gathering figs.
Yoli climbed to the highest branch she could, knowing that the tastiest figs are normally at the top of the tree.
There was just one issue. She wasn’t the only one who had climbed that tree.
But it was too late by the time Yoli climbed the tree.
She had no clue a puma, sometimes known as a mountain lion or cougar, was hiding in the same tree.
“I was terrified when I spotted the puma,” she told to us.
The puma is one of the largest predators in South America weighing up to 180 lbs.
“When Yoli was about 7 feet from the ground, she started hearing noises up on the tree, like branches tweaking and leaves moving. She looked up and saw a BIG puma jumping down the upper branches,” dogo4u.blogspot explains.
“The beast struck the child with a paw, and Yoli fell all the way down, landing flat on her back from a height of two meters.”
Fortunately, Yoli and Sophie were able to jump up and begin running, but the puma was hard on their tail.
Fortunately, 90-pound Morocho leapt in to defend the girls.
He didn’t waste any time in chasing down and fighting the puma.
When Yoli’s father heard the girls screaming, he ran as fast as he could.
“I thought it was a snake,” Tomas Bracamonte explained. “I dashed in. I dashed over to them as quickly as I could.”
When he arrived, he discovered Morocho. The dog had been severely hurt but was still alive. The puma, on the other hand, was no longer alive.
Bracamonte dragged Morocho back to the property.
The relatives were overjoyed that Morocho had saved the girls.
“We’d be wounded if it weren’t for Morocho,” the girls stated.
Morocho was brought back to health over the course of ten days.
“Morocho became a hero here after that incident,” Cappaletti remarked. “Morocho holds a particular place in our hearts because he protects us.”
Those two tiny children are alive today because of Morocho. Morocho’s gallant effort stunned millions of people throughout the world. More than 2.5 million people have seen the film about Morocho’s tale on YouTube. You can see the video below.
Brave dog, too bad he is chained up. He deserves much better.
Everyone is bitching about the dog in this photo op being “chained to a tree”. You look at one picture and assume he’s not an inside dog? Perhaps the magazine editor came to interview the family and obtain a snapshot. I agree, no dog needs to live their lives chained outdoors. But quit assuming. Seriously.
Heureusement qu’il n’était pas attaché comme sur la dernière photo……. sinon il aurait eu des difficultés pour sauver les 2 petites
what is this chain for?