This is the incredible moment a farmer decided to bring a stray kitten home, only to discover that not everything was as it appeared.
Elber is a Colombian farmer who came across the small cat while riding his motorcycle home from work.
The abandoned small animal was filthy and most likely hungry.
Elber made the decision to bring the cat home and bathe him. Everything appeared to be in order at first.
The cat was probably grateful for the food, drink, and attention. This feline, however, soon began to act strangely.
Elber quickly realized something wasn’t quite right. When it came to playing, he wasn’t like the other kitties.
“I took a closer look at him, and… he had a long tail and round ears.” Furthermore, their behavior and food preferences did not resemble those of cats.”
On the internet, he began researching his new home pet, as well as various types of cats.
The farmer then decided that he should consult with an animal specialist.
The veterinarian at the local veterinary clinic discovered that the kitten was, in fact, a cougar cub!
Here’s the complete video story:
They gave the cougar another examination there, and then he was taken to a cougar-specific rescue facility.
Cougars can weigh up to 200 pounds and hunt deer, sloths, and lizards!
While the cougar cub was adorable and small now, things would be very different when he grew to full size.
He will now be cared for in the facility until he is old enough to survive on his own, after which he will be released into the wild.
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