Bubbles, an African Elephant, and Bella, a black Labrador, provided us with the opportunity to witness the sweetest animal relationship we’ve seen in a long time. Their friendship is unrivaled!
The two residents (Bella and Bubbles) of Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina, have become best friends and are frequently spotted playing fetch in the water.
Bubbles is one of the rare elephants in Africa that was spared during a slaughter. Bubbles’ parents were slaughtered by ivory poachers during the 20-year massacre. Due to a shortage of facilities, the remaining adopted animals were either slaughtered or liberated.
Bubbles weighed 340 pounds and was 42 inches tall when she first arrived. However, she has grown in both height and weight over time.
She currently reaches 9 feet tall and weighs 4 tonnes. Isn’t it incredible?
Bella is an abandoned puppy that was abandoned in the park by a builder who was hired in 2007 to build Bubbles’ swimming pool. The pool, which is now a river, provided a chance for the creatures to form a long-lasting connection. They are quite fortunate!
Bella and Bubbles can occasionally be spotted playing in the water together at Martyle Beach Safari. Bubbles’ passion of swimming expanded exponentially throughout the years.
The two creatures have a stunning friendship that leaves everyone in awe! Bubbles enjoys teasing Bella by tossing a tennis ball into the water for her to jump and retrieve!
Some Ivory poachers killed Bubbles’ family back in 1981 for jewelry. Even today, thousands of elephants are being brutally killed for the very same purpose.
Fortunately for the two creatures, they found each other and became best buddies!
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