Simon Needham, a wildlife photographer located in Los Angeles, creates breathtaking photographs of various animals to promote awareness of endangered species and conservation initiatives. He recently had the chance to return to Glen Garriff Conservation in South Africa to capture marketing photos of the lions under their care. Needham was able to photograph some of the strikingly colored uncommon white lions throughout this adventure by getting up near to them.
White lions, though occasionally mistaken for albinos, are actually the result of a recessive genetic mutation in a disease known as leucism. Both parents need to carry this recessive gene for a cub to be born with a white coat. White lions are endemic to South Africa, but due to trophy hunting, they are extremely rare in the wild. As a result, they are practically never seen outside of sanctuaries like GG, which offer them a sizable and secure living space. Needham went to the venue to free-of-charge photograph the lions for use in advertising materials by GG.
Could you briefly describe your artistic background?
I first attended college to study graphic design, after which I founded my own business (ATTIK) at the age of 18 and built it with my business partner James Sommerville until we had 350 employees and offices all over the world. I directed numerous commercials for my clients while we conducted a few photoshoots, which I really enjoyed. I was the group creative director and focused on the creative side of our organization. After 25 years, we eventually sold the business, which allowed me to devote more time to the causes I was passionate about.
How did you first become drawn to taking pictures of wildlife in particular?
I wanted to travel and take more photos, and I realized that by volunteering my time to conservation and humanitarian organizations, I would be able to both travel and capture some truly interesting settings and subjects while also giving back.
You recently had the opportunity to go to GG Conservation to take pictures of their lions. Why did you decide to visit this place?
Simply put, I offered Suzy from GG my time to shoot material for her so she could use it to promote their extremely important cause because I knew her from GG.
Describe your experience.
Every time I go there, it gets better. I’ve been there multiple times. Even though working with lions might be incredibly daunting, I feel more at ease now.
Much attention has been drawn to your pictures of white lions. What do you know about this unusual mutation?
Although white lions are uncommon in the wild, GG Conservation is home to a few of them. This is due to the fact that their coloring is the product of a genetic mutation, and two copies of the gene must exist for the animal to have a white coat. The white lions are classified as African towny lions (Panthera leo).
What was it like to actually witness a white lion?
Any lion is incredible to be around because of how powerful they are, but seeing one with the special white coat is truly a privilege.
Could you briefly describe the efforts made by GG Conservation to aid these lions?
Around 77 lions that would not be among us otherwise are taken care of by GG. They provide these creatures loving care and put a lot of effort into making sure they are both content and healthy. But they are having a lot of financial difficulties, including paying for upkeep and medical expenses!
What do you consider to be the secret to photographing wildlife?
I’ve only been taking pictures of wildlife for about three years, so I’m still learning, but I do know that patience is a must!
What are a few of the difficulties?
Of course, one of the challenges of getting unique pictures of wildlife is discovering it, which frequently takes a lot of time and work. Finding the ideal location from a lighting and background perspective is the other. Then all you can do is wait and see what the animal does!
Can you inform us about any upcoming projects you have?
I intend to return to Africa in April or May to search for further sanctuaries (assuming the COVID issues are more under control).
Absolutely Stunning! I want This Job! Gorgeous Specimen Here! Speechless…😲
breathtaking! 👍🏼👍🏼