With the upcoming Great American Eclipse on April 8, ludicrous conspiracy theories have taken flight. Among them, a wild tale involving CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.
The narrative suggests that CERN, famed for its Large Hadron Collider (LHC), will conduct experiments coinciding with the solar eclipse. However, this notion is pure fantasy.
While the LHC will indeed be active on April 8, its operations are routine and independent of celestial events like eclipses.
Image credit: nikonka1/Shutterstock.com
Conspiracy theorists, however, have woven an intricate web connecting CERN’s activities to the solar eclipse, yet their explanations lack coherence.
One outlandish theory suggests a connection between CERN’s experiments and an occult event involving Aleister Crowley in 1904. However, such claims are baseless.
It’s worth noting that the LHC, nestled 100 meters beneath Swiss-French countryside, remains unaffected by the distant eclipse over North America.
Functioning within a 27-kilometer underground tunnel, the LHC’s purpose is to unveil the mysteries of the universe by colliding subatomic particles.
Despite its groundbreaking work, CERN often finds itself entangled in conspiracy theories due to the abstract nature of its research.
The infamous Shiva statue at CERN’s facility, often cited by conspiracy theorists, merely symbolizes the organization’s collaboration with India and its exploration of cosmic phenomena.
In essence, while conspiracy theories may capture the imagination, the reality is far less fantastical. CERN’s focus remains steadfast on scientific discovery, undeterred by unfounded speculations.
As the solar eclipse casts its shadow, let us not be blinded by baseless conjectures, but instead, embrace the wonders of scientific inquiry.
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