A recent revelation regarding an enigmatic underwater craft, defying conventional understanding of both aerial and aquatic dynamics, has stirred considerable interest within the ex-military community.
Tim Gallaudet, a distinguished oceanographer and former Rear Admiral in the Navy, has emerged as a prominent voice urging serious investigation into what he terms “unidentified submerged objects” (USOs). In a recent interview with Fox News, Gallaudet emphasized the scientific significance and national security implications of delving into these perplexing phenomena.
The spotlight falls on a 29-page report unveiled by the Sol Foundation, a newly established think tank dedicated to scrutinizing what the military designates as “unidentified anomalous phenomena” (UAPs). Central to this report is a 2019 video captured aboard the USS Omaha off the coast of San Diego—a footage that has since captured widespread attention.
Leaked to filmmaker Jeremy Corbell and subsequently authenticated by the Pentagon in 2021, the video portrays a mysterious craft maneuvering in ways that defy conventional understanding. Gallaudet, both in his interview and within the Sol Foundation report, underscores the imperative of treating such encounters as potential threats to national security.
Citing observations by pilots, credible witnesses, and sophisticated military instruments, Gallaudet highlights the unprecedented nature of these sightings. The craft’s capabilities, as depicted in the video, pose a potential risk to American maritime security, compounding existing vulnerabilities in an era characterized by global uncertainties.
Gallaudet’s concerns extend beyond mere speculation. He critiques what he perceives as a lack of urgency within governmental agencies, particularly the Department of Defense, in addressing these anomalous encounters. The absence of comprehensive disclosure raises questions regarding the government’s transparency regarding such matters.
The discourse surrounding unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) often eclipses discussions of their submerged counterparts. However, Gallaudet and fellow experts stress the equal—if not greater—significance of USOs in the realm of national security.
Scot Christenson, Director of the US Naval Institute, has previously underscored the hazards posed by these submerged mysteries, cautioning against dismissing them as mere folklore. While the notion of extraterrestrial visitors captivates popular imagination, the tangible risks associated with unidentified objects or creatures in our oceans demand serious attention.
For Gallaudet and his colleagues, the imperative lies in elevating the investigation of transmedium UAPs and USOs to the forefront of national research agendas. Such endeavors, they argue, are essential not only for safeguarding security but also for advancing our understanding of the mysterious forces that traverse our skies and oceans.
Why , oh why is something unknown to our way of life ALWAYS A THREAT?
Why aren’t we viewed as the aliens?
Theory:- Could it be fact that all other visited planets by Earthlings, are our previous homes that have been decimated by Earthlings a millennia ago, long forgotten as we are making our with “last chance” beautiful home begetting its ruin too.