“He barked twice, as if to say, ‘Get up!'”
Toby is a kind and obedient rescue dog named Ruth Hamilton who resides in Canada with him. The pup has been her constant companion ever since she adopted him.
Toby, though, has recently shown that he is also her hero.
Hamilton was deep sleeping the previous night in her bed when, at about 11:30, she was startled up by an unexpected sound. It was Toby, and he seemed to have an urgent message.
He twice barked, appearing to say, “Get up!” Informed Hamilton, The Dodo. “The bark was really loud. My family loves to think that I rolled over because of him.”
And he made a wise decision in doing so.
Hamilton then heard a crash happen straight overhead.
Amazingly, a large piece of a meteor had slammed into Hamilton’s house at a tremendous rate of speed, almost hitting where she had been dozing.
“I leapt from my bed. I was completely unharmed “stated Hamilton. When Toby stopped barking, I questioned whether it had actually just happened.
When Hamilton later reported the incident, it was determined that the rock was most certainly from space and that other local witnesses had witnessed a meteor strike Earth that evening.
Toby’s warning to Hamilton might have saved her life. However, how did the dog know a few seconds beforehand?
“I was informed that meteors occasionally make a bang as they enter the atmosphere. Perhaps he was responding to it “said Hamilton. “His hearing is superior than ours since he is a dog. But we can never be certain.”
Toby has always been quick to warn Hamilton when he hears the sound of approaching cars or animals outside.
But it’s clear that he’s keeping an eye out for threats beyond our planet as well.
Obviously, Hamilton’s house needs to be fixed, but the horrific episode could have gone much worse if not for the puppy Hamilton saved.
“Toby has been a joy to be around. Hamilton said, “I love him, and my grandkids think ‘Paw Patrol’ should do an episode on him.”
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