Meet Barry, an adorable Gloster Canary with a groovy head of hair that resembles a nicely executed bowl cut. “My name is the birb with the fringe!” Barry writes this in his Instagram bio, where he now has over 2,000 followers.
These adorable birds are not found in the natural. You’ll be sorely disappointed if you go looking for them in the Canary Islands (where they’re named after). This variety is more English in origin, but their Beatles haircut is not from a Liverpool barbershop.
Gloster Canaries, with their distinctive haircuts, are the result of selective breeding by Mrs. Rogerson in Gloucestershire, England. She crossed two additional exotic birds — a Crested Roller and a Border Canary — in 1925 to create the fashionable bird with hair we see today.
Although the birds are best recognized for their mop tops, they are also ardent and brilliant vocalists. Their wonderful birdsong has made them extremely popular among bird enthusiasts all over the world. Check out our selection of Barry’s best images (including the classic rainbow bird in the stop place), as well as our conversation with him!
Barry The Glorious Rainbow Bird
“On the 26th of July we went to a pet shop to look for the perfect bird,” Barry’s owner told us. “We came back on the 27th and thought he was definitely the one!”
Barry The Gloster Canary Feeling Blue
“We believe he is 1 and a half years old but we have no proof (Glosters can live 7 – 12 years),” the owner told us. “There are two types of gloster canaries, one being consorts they are the ones without the fringe and the others are coronas with the fringe and it’s pretty obvious which category barry falls under!”
Mop Top On Display
“Barry absolutely adores going out in his bird carrier,” Barry’s owner told us. “We will walk around parks and fields and he will tweet and hop with excitement.”
“He also loves sitting on the window still and singing,” Barry’s owner said.
Talking about the newly-gained popularity of Barry, his owner told us: “I never expected to exceed 1k followers but we love and appreciate every single one of Barry’s followers!”
What’s Barry’s Instagram name? There’s nothing linking to it in the article