Ray Kurzweil, a renowned computer scientist and futurist, has once again ignited discussions with his audacious proclamation that humans could achieve immortality by the year 2030. This bold prediction is not the first of its kind from Kurzweil, who has a track record of remarkably accurate foresight when it comes to technological advancements. Kurzweil's reputation for … [Read more...] about Futurist Predicts Humans Will Achieve Immortality By 2030
Renowned Futurist Ray Kurzweil Predicts Humans Will Achieve Immortality By 2030
Renowned computer scientist and futurist Ray Kurzweil has made some bold predictions regarding the future of humanity. According to Kurzweil, immortality will become a reality for humans by the year 2030, alongside the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) reaching the singularity. While these claims may seem extraordinary, it's worth noting that Kurzweil has a track record … [Read more...] about Renowned Futurist Ray Kurzweil Predicts Humans Will Achieve Immortality By 2030