Japan, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and technological advancements, finds itself grappling with an unprecedented dilemma: a staggering surplus of vacant houses. The number has soared to a record high of nine million, a figure surpassing the entire population of New York City. These abandoned dwellings, known as "akiya" in Japanese, present multifaceted challenges for … [Read more...] about Super-aged Japan now has 9 million vacant homes. And that’s a problem
A State Of Emergency: A Million People Expected At Niagara Falls For The Solar Eclipse
This attendance record may never be eclipsed. Niagara Falls is poised to welcome its largest ever gathering of visitors on April 8, as the iconic landmark finds itself perfectly positioned along the path of the total solar eclipse. With throngs of people anticipated to journey from near and far to witness the celestial event against the backdrop of the magnificent waterfall, … [Read more...] about A State Of Emergency: A Million People Expected At Niagara Falls For The Solar Eclipse
Volunteers Plant One Million Moss Cuttings to Restore Bog and Improve Water Quality in England
After deciding in 2012 that the Dovestone Reservoir needed serious restoration, volunteers have spent the last decade hand-planting cuttings of moss to improve water quality and filtration. The hilltop reservoir in Oldham, in Manchester county, was surrounded by bare peat bogs, over which rainwater would fall rapidly and take on a silty brown color. This water then moved … [Read more...] about Volunteers Plant One Million Moss Cuttings to Restore Bog and Improve Water Quality in England
The Carnian Pluvial Event: When It Rained For 2 Million Years On Earth
In the late 20th Century, the scientific community's attention was captivated by a peculiar phenomenon hidden within the layers of ancient rocks scattered across the globe. During the 1970s and 80s, geologists unearthed peculiar strata within ancient rock formations, dating back approximately 232-4 million years. In the Eastern Alps, a team of researchers meticulously … [Read more...] about The Carnian Pluvial Event: When It Rained For 2 Million Years On Earth