In the frosty depths of Canada's Yukon, a remarkable discovery has emerged, offering a glimpse into the distant past of the Arctic wilderness. What initially appears as an unassuming fur ball turns out to be the exceptionally preserved remains of a 30,000-year-old Arctic ground squirrel, a testament to the power of permafrost as a natural time capsule. The find was … [Read more...] about Frozen in Time: 30,000-Year-Old Ice Age Squirrel Unveiled in Remarkable Condition
An underground network of wildlife lovers are illegally ‘beaver bombing’ local rivers: ‘They are the heroes of our time
In the year 1998, Olivier Rubbers took a bold step that would eventually make him a symbol of a growing underground movement. He engaged in what he fondly termed "beaver bombing" of his local waterways. In simpler terms, Rubbers took it upon himself to reintroduce beavers into the wild, allowing these industrious creatures to work their magic by naturally damming up rivers. … [Read more...] about An underground network of wildlife lovers are illegally ‘beaver bombing’ local rivers: ‘They are the heroes of our time
For First Time, Crows Have Been Found To Use Statistical Inference To Make Decisions
Crows, often confused with their larger cousins, the ravens, have long been celebrated for their intelligence within the corvid family. Recent research has shed new light on the remarkable cognitive abilities of these feathered creatures, revealing their capacity for statistical inference. Statistical inference, in simple terms, is the process of making decisions based on … [Read more...] about For First Time, Crows Have Been Found To Use Statistical Inference To Make Decisions
Dog kept on chain his whole life gets to see ocean for the first time ever – catches rescuer off guard with his reaction
The broad impression of certain dog breeds seems to change over the years depending on what’s ‘trendy’. Take for example German Shepherds, who were once viewed by large swathes of people as dangerous and unpredictable due to their size and fearsome appearance. That’s no longer the case now, for the most part, since many of us are aware they’re perfect companions if trained … [Read more...] about Dog kept on chain his whole life gets to see ocean for the first time ever – catches rescuer off guard with his reaction
93-year-old woman spends her time crafting dog beds for shelter animals — thank you
Shelter animals need all the love they can get, and it’s always inspiring to see the creative and unique ways people use their talents to help these animals. Like one senior woman, who spends her spare time crafting cozy dog beds for animal shelters. Joan Potters is a 93-year-old woman from San Antonio. Like many seniors, she’s taken up crafts as a hobby, but her … [Read more...] about 93-year-old woman spends her time crafting dog beds for shelter animals — thank you