Amidst the serene snow-covered landscape of Big Bear Valley, California, a heartwarming saga unfolds as a devoted bald eagle dad, Shadow, eagerly tends to his nest. Recent developments have left him pleasantly surprised, as captured in a heartening video shared by the nonprofit Friends of Big Bear Valley. The anticipation mounted as Shadow, patiently awaiting his turn to … [Read more...] about Bald eagle dad sees third egg for the first time in CA nest, video shows. ‘So proud’
Video of tourist’s unbelievable actions on edge of rock formation at national park sparks fury online: ‘Entitlement in the wild’
A disturbing video capturing a tourist's reckless behavior at the Valley of the Gods in Utah has ignited a firestorm of outrage across social media platforms. Posted by the Instagram account Tourons of National Parks (@touronsofnationalparks), the footage depicts a man climbing a rock formation and callously hurling rocks in the direction of his group, eliciting condemnation … [Read more...] about Video of tourist’s unbelievable actions on edge of rock formation at national park sparks fury online: ‘Entitlement in the wild’
Shocking video of ‘trash river’ exposes the egregious impacts of billion-dollar clothing companies: ‘There’s no water; it’s only trash’
In a sobering revelation of environmental degradation, a video depicting the harrowing reality of textile pollution in Bangladesh has sparked outrage and concern among viewers worldwide. The footage, shared on TikTok by user Fantastic Planet (@fantasticplanet007), showcases a desolate riverbed in an unnamed city, inundated with discarded textiles and multicolored plastics. … [Read more...] about Shocking video of ‘trash river’ exposes the egregious impacts of billion-dollar clothing companies: ‘There’s no water; it’s only trash’
Video of father risking child’s safety for photo sparks outrage online: ‘Some folks should never procreate’
In a world where social media often serves as a platform for sharing picturesque moments, a recent video clip has ignited fury among online viewers, shedding light on the alarming lengths some individuals go to capture the perfect shot, even if it jeopardizes their child's safety. The controversial footage, shared by the Tourons of National Parks Instagram account … [Read more...] about Video of father risking child’s safety for photo sparks outrage online: ‘Some folks should never procreate’
Video showing reality of Egypt pyramids may put a lot of people off visiting
For decades, the Egyptian pyramids have stood as awe-inspiring symbols of ancient civilization, attracting countless tourists eager to explore their mysteries. However, a recent TikTok video posted by @touchdalight, also known as Carmie Sellitto, has sparked a warning for prospective visitors, shedding light on the potential challenges and hazards of exploring these iconic … [Read more...] about Video showing reality of Egypt pyramids may put a lot of people off visiting