In the face of a major volcanic emergency in the Philippines, one couple refused to let their wedding day be disrupted. Chino Vaflor and Kat Bautista Palomar had their hearts set on getting married at a wedding venue just a few kilometers away from Taal, one of the country’s most active volcanoes.
As the wedding preparations were underway, Taal came to life, spewing steam and ash several kilometers into the air. Wedding photographer Randolf Evan later revealed that they had “no prior notice at all” of the impending eruption. Nonetheless, the bride, groom, and all their guests remained calm and proceeded with the ceremony, which was held at a venue on higher ground and not directly around the volcano’s vicinity.
The wedding went ahead as planned, and the guests even enjoyed an after-party with a buffet and a marquee draped in lights. Despite the growing cloud of steam in the background and the ash raining down on their clothes, the guests remained calm and relaxed, unwilling to let the threat of an explosive eruption ruin their day.
For Mr. Evan, an experienced wedding photographer, this was a unique and unforgettable moment in his career. He described it as a “mixture of thrill and sheer amazement” and expressed his gratitude for having experienced such an extraordinary event. While the nature of the eruption changed the following day, with fountains of lava seen spewing from the volcano, everyone had already safely left the area, and the couple’s wedding day remained an unforgettable testament to the power of love against all odds.
The Lord Jesus Christ saves from hell!! Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou SHALT be saved!!