In a devastating turn of events, one of the last remaining Yangtze giant softshell turtles was found dead on April 21 at Đồng Mô Lake in Hanoi, Vietnam. The incident has been widely reported as the last of the species' females, dooming the much-loved species to extinction. According to reports, the turtle's body measured around 1.56 meters long (5 feet and 1 inch) and … [Read more...] about The Last Female Yangtze Giant Turtle Found Dead, Signaling the End of the Species
Llareta: The 3000-Year-Old Shrub That Looks Like a Giant Green Blob
In the high Andes Mountains of Chile and Bolivia, there is a plant that looks like a giant lime-green blob of goo. However, it is far from gooey; in fact, it's solid to the touch. This plant is called llareta, and it is a member of the Apiaceae family, which makes it a cousin to parsley, carrots, and fennel. But what sets it apart from its relatives is its incredibly slow … [Read more...] about Llareta: The 3000-Year-Old Shrub That Looks Like a Giant Green Blob
Photographer Captures Incredible Image of Starlings Forming Giant Bird in the Sky
German photographer Daniel Biber had been trying to capture the murmuration of starlings for four days when he finally succeeded. Little did he know that he had captured something truly extraordinary - a giant bird formed by the thousands of starlings in the sky. Biber, from Hilzingen, Germany, was photographing the starlings in Costa Brava, Spain, when he captured the … [Read more...] about Photographer Captures Incredible Image of Starlings Forming Giant Bird in the Sky
New ‘Giant’ Spider Species Discovered in Australia, But It’s Already Endangered
Australia is home to a vast array of creepy crawlies, including snakes, kangaroos, and of course, spiders. For many people, the mere thought of these eight-legged creatures can be enough to send shivers down their spine. A recent study conducted by City University London found that 75% of the 118 participants surveyed reported having a fear of spiders. So it's no wonder that … [Read more...] about New ‘Giant’ Spider Species Discovered in Australia, But It’s Already Endangered
The Royal Albatross: A Majestic Giant of the Skies
The albatross is the largest bird that can go years without landing. They spend their first six years of life flying over the ocean before coming to the land to mate. Albatrosses are capable of traveling more than 10,000 miles in a single journey and circumnavigating the globe in 46 days. Albatrosses are able to fly for such long periods of time because of their unique … [Read more...] about The Royal Albatross: A Majestic Giant of the Skies