In a remarkable twist of fate, a man searching for his missing chickens stumbled upon an extraordinary discovery—an ancient city that had been lost to time, once thriving with a population of around 20,000 inhabitants. Picture the scene: a Turkish man notices his chickens mysteriously vanishing one by one. Determined to solve the mystery, he investigates the basement of his … [Read more...] about Man’s Quest for Missing Chickens Uncovers Ancient Underground City Once Inhabited by 20,000 People”
A Sinkhole Swallowed A Man’s Bedroom In 2013. No Trace Of Him Has Been Found
On March 1, 2013, Jeff Bush, 37, was asleep in his bedroom when a sinkhole opened up beneath his home in Seffner, Florida. The hole, which was about 6 meters (20 feet) across and deep, swallowed him and most of his bedroom in a matter of seconds. Jeff's brother Jeremy and his partner Rachel were in another room when they heard a loud bang and Jeff's scream. Rushing to the … [Read more...] about A Sinkhole Swallowed A Man’s Bedroom In 2013. No Trace Of Him Has Been Found
This Fungus is Known As ‘Dead Man’s Fingers,’ And It Is Quite Disturbing
Regan Daniels of North Carolina posted a couple photos of a fungus that resembled a dead man's toes to the Facebook group Mushroomcore, and it's simple to understand why. Look at that! Take a closer look… Naturally, a few people immediately cried ‘fake’, but Daniels reassured people it wasn’t the case. And, well, looking at the shrooms from another angle that … [Read more...] about This Fungus is Known As ‘Dead Man’s Fingers,’ And It Is Quite Disturbing
African Man’s Tale From Mozambique. Yasuke Was The First Black Samurai In Japanese History
The transatlantic slave trade that Europeans engaged in during the 16th century is said to have given Japan its first black man, who went on to become the first black Samurai in the nation and go down in history. Yasuke, as he was known, is thought to have been born in Mozambique in or around 1555. He served as a slave for Italian Jesuit Alessandro Valignano. In 1579, … [Read more...] about African Man’s Tale From Mozambique. Yasuke Was The First Black Samurai In Japanese History
During a 59-year-Old Man’s Colonoscopy, a Ladybug Unexpectedly Appeared
There are a few things gastroenterologists might look for when entering the human colon. Even though it's usual to have a tumor, scarring, ulcers, and a small amount of excrement, sometimes examining the intestine reveals more surprising residents. A clinical team that discovered a ladybug within a patient's colon and reported their findings in the ACG Case Reports Journal in … [Read more...] about During a 59-year-Old Man’s Colonoscopy, a Ladybug Unexpectedly Appeared