In the peaceful town of Kinnelon, New Jersey, a tranquil neighborhood dispute has recently taken a dramatic twist, serving as a stark reminder that in the realm of tree law, the penalties can be as jaw-dropping as they are eye-opening. For tree enthusiasts and legal aficionados alike, the intricacies of tree law have found a peculiar home in online communities such as … [Read more...] about New Jersey Homeowner Faces Staggering Fine for Felling Neighbor’s Trees: The $1,000 Per Tree Penalty
Staggering Video shows Oglala Lakota Delivering Bison to Nature
In a new area of a national park in South Dakota, bison will roam for the first time in almost 150 years. It's an essential step in increasing the number of the national mammal of America. On Friday, four bison were released into a newly extended area by Badlands National Park officials. And it appears the bison made themselves at home right away based on the way they … [Read more...] about Staggering Video shows Oglala Lakota Delivering Bison to Nature