One of the heaviest bony fish in the world, ocean sunfish, is the subject of recent research. A tweet depicted the appearance of the enormous sunfish and the size of their young. Everyone is going crazy from the extreme size difference because it seems unbelievable! We provide more information about these fish in this article.
The Earth and its inhabitants are full with mysteries, many of which we have just recently learned about thanks to the internet. Such things always catch the internet’s attention, from strange-looking sea snails to ominous undersea creatures. One of the heaviest bony fish in the world, ocean sunfish, is now the subject of new research. A tweet depicted the appearance of the enormous sunfish and the size of their young. Everyone is going crazy from the extreme size difference because it seems unbelievable! We provide more information about these fish in this article.
Dr Michael Sweet, a Twitter user, shared photos of a fully grown ocean sunfish with one of its tiny babies. The baby fish are no bigger than beads, but when fully grown, they can weigh between 247 and 1,000 kg. So, from a beaded tiny baby to a 1000kg fish, that’s certainly intriguing. The tweet has since gone viral, with some commenting that it looks “straight out of Pokemon.”
Check The Tweet Here:
Here’s a Side View of The Baby:
Evolution is Wild!
It’s fascinating to see how these tiny fish grow into giants. We explain more about this fish.
The ocean sunfish, also known as the common mola, is one of the world’s biggest bony fishes. They are most commonly seen in tropical and temperate seas. They have an unusual shape, with a towering head and fins like a shark, but their main body is flattened laterally. Because of their fins, they are frequently mistaken for sharks. Larger killer whales and sharks are among their predators. They are also considered a delicacy in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. They resemble the sun in their smallest form. The newly hatched fish larvae are only 2.5 mm long and weigh less than one gram. Those that do survive grow to millions of times their original size. They can reach a population of 60 million.
They have the ability to grow up to 60 million times their birth size! It goes without saying that this is the most extreme size growth seen in any vertebrate animal.
So, what do they eat? I would think ‘anything’ – is that person next to him still around?