In the picturesque town of Bath, England, something unusual caught the eye of aspiring wildlife filmmaker Matthew Spivack during a visit with his wife in early May. Among the seagulls that populate the area, he witnessed a curious sight - two seagulls appearing to be engaged in an awkward balancing act. Little did he know that this seemingly strange scene was actually a glimpse … [Read more...] about The Awkward Balancing Act of Seagull Mating: An Unusual View with an Explanation
Guy On Balcony Had Awkward Encounter With His Neighbor’s Cat
It got weird 😅 Meeting a cat can happen in a variety of ways, from pleasant flips at the feet and face-rubs on the shins to coy glances that suggest a pet or two might be allowed. There's also a chance of hearing hisses and scratching. Then there's the story of how @bennynazareth, a TikTok user, met his neighbor's cat. They met while they both watched from the … [Read more...] about Guy On Balcony Had Awkward Encounter With His Neighbor’s Cat