In a groundbreaking expedition to the Challenger Deep, the deepest point on Earth, renowned scientist Dawn Wright made a startling discovery: a discarded beer bottle. This shocking find, miles beneath the ocean's surface, serves as a stark reminder of humanity's devastating impact on the planet and the urgent need for environmental action. The Depths of Pollution: The … [Read more...] about Scientist makes startling discovery at Earth’s deepest point: ‘What a disgusting and embarrassing display’
green living
A Thriving Garden In a Sealed Bottle That Hasn’t Been Watered In Over 40 Years
Imagine a thriving garden inside a sealed glass bottle that has gone without water for more than 50 years. Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, this is a reality thanks to David Latimer, whose sealed bottle garden has been flourishing since 1960—without ever needing to be watered again after the initial setup. This astonishing self-sustaining ecosystem is not only a … [Read more...] about A Thriving Garden In a Sealed Bottle That Hasn’t Been Watered In Over 40 Years