Red sprites, also known as "lightning sprites," are a rare and fascinating phenomenon that occurs high above thunderstorms. These electric discharges are typically associated with powerful lightning strikes, and they are known to reach heights of up to 90 kilometers above the Earth's surface. Recently, a photographer captured an incredible photo of a red sprite above a … [Read more...] about Incredibly Spectacular Red Sprite Photographed Over Castle in Southern France
The Spectacular Baatara Gorge Waterfall: A Natural Wonder in Tannourine, Lebanon
Nestled in the Tannourine region of Lebanon, the Baatara Gorge Waterfall, also known as the Three Bridge Chasm, is a natural wonder that is truly awe-inspiring. The waterfall is formed by winter meltwater from Mount Lebanon, which falls 250 meters into the depths of the chasm, past 160-million-year-old limestone from the Jurassic period. The limestone cave in which the … [Read more...] about The Spectacular Baatara Gorge Waterfall: A Natural Wonder in Tannourine, Lebanon