A tragic incident has unfolded in northern Thailand, where a crocodile farmer was forced to make a heart-wrenching decision to protect human lives. Natthapak Khumkad, also known as "Crocodile X," had to euthanize more than 100 critically endangered Siamese crocodiles after a typhoon damaged their enclosure. The heavy rains brought by Typhoon Yagi caused significant damage to … [Read more...] about Thai farmer forced to kill more than 100 endangered crocodiles after a typhoon damaged their enclosure
wildlife conservation
Namibia to Cull Over 700 Animals, Including Elephants and Hippos, and Distribute the Meat
Hasan Jasim - In a shocking move that has sparked global outrage and debate, Namibia has announced plans to cull more than 700 wild animals, including elephants, zebras, and hippos. The country, grappling with its worst drought in a century, aims to distribute the meat to its population facing severe food insecurity. While the decision has been justified as a necessary … [Read more...] about Namibia to Cull Over 700 Animals, Including Elephants and Hippos, and Distribute the Meat
Man Buys Turtles From Food Market And Releases Them Back To The Sea
In a heartwarming act of compassion, two sea turtles narrowly escaped becoming a meal in Papua New Guinea. Arron Culling and his colleague Mark intercepted their fate at a local food market, purchasing the turtles and swiftly transporting them back to the ocean. Culling shared their rescue mission on Facebook, recounting, "Found these at the local market. Got them for 50 … [Read more...] about Man Buys Turtles From Food Market And Releases Them Back To The Sea
Beaver Builders: Nature’s Ingenious Architects with Built-In Blueprints!
The beaver, an industrious rodent native to North America and parts of Europe and Asia, is a true marvel of the animal kingdom. Unlike many creatures that learn skills from their parents, beavers seem to possess an innate talent for dam building, a complex behavior that continues to baffle evolutionists. Aquatic Architects These fascinating animals dwell in lodges, … [Read more...] about Beaver Builders: Nature’s Ingenious Architects with Built-In Blueprints!
Hunter Kills First Gray Wolf Seen In Lower Peninsula Of Michigan For 100 Years
In a shocking turn of events, a century-old mystery has been unveiled in Michigan. A hunter, mistaking it for a coyote, has accidentally killed the first gray wolf seen in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan in over a century. This tragic incident has sent shockwaves through the conservation community and raised questions about the future of wolf populations in the state. The … [Read more...] about Hunter Kills First Gray Wolf Seen In Lower Peninsula Of Michigan For 100 Years