In the vast expanse of the ocean, a chilling encounter has been captured on film, showcasing the methodical and deadly approach of orcas, also known as killer whales, as they target the world's largest fish—the whale shark. A haunting video has emerged, showing a pod of orcas descending upon a massive whale shark and extracting its liver with chilling precision. While the … [Read more...] about Gruesome Video Reveals Orcas’ Deadly Tactic on the World’s Largest Shark
Is Zagreb home to the world’s most impressive scaffolding? Petition launched to keep it up
Zagreb Cathedral has recently undergone a captivating transformation, thanks to its new scaffolding, which has become such an attraction that a petition has been launched to keep it up permanently. The cathedral, a commanding structure that dominates Zagreb's skyline, has been adorned with new scaffolding around its spires. These spires are now encased in a mesmerizing … [Read more...] about Is Zagreb home to the world’s most impressive scaffolding? Petition launched to keep it up
Tokelau: The World’s First 100% Solar Powered Nation
Tokelau, an island country and dependent territory of New Zealand nestled in the southern Pacific Ocean, has achieved a remarkable feat in the realm of renewable energy. It proudly holds the title of being the world's first nation to run entirely on solar power. With its commitment to sustainability and renewable energy sources, Tokelau has set a shining example for the rest of … [Read more...] about Tokelau: The World’s First 100% Solar Powered Nation
The World’s Oldest Known Complaint Letter: A Glimpse into Life in 1750 BC
The British Museum is home to an incredible collection of ancient artifacts, including a 3700+ year old clay tablet that is the world's oldest known complaint letter. Written in cuneiform script, the letter was sent by a man named Nanni to a merchant named Ea-nasir in Mesopotamia, in what is now modern-day Iraq, around 1750 BC. The tablet provides a fascinating glimpse into … [Read more...] about The World’s Oldest Known Complaint Letter: A Glimpse into Life in 1750 BC
World’s Loneliest Orca Dies After More Than 40 Years In Captivity
Animal rights activists and concerned citizens around the world are mourning the loss of Kiska, the last surviving orca at Marineland in Niagara Falls, Canada. The 46-year-old orca passed away recently after spending her entire life in captivity at the park, where she faced decades of confinement in a small tank. Kiska was taken from her family in Iceland in 1979 at a young … [Read more...] about World’s Loneliest Orca Dies After More Than 40 Years In Captivity