In a groundbreaking expedition to the Cyclops Mountains in Papua, Indonesia, scientists stumbled upon not just one, but two astonishing discoveries that are rewriting the biological narrative. While the world marveled at the rediscovery of Attenborough’s long-beaked echidna, thought to be extinct since the 1960s, another, more obscure finding took place—a new genus of ground- … [Read more...] about A Tree-Dwelling Shrimp Has Been Discovered In The Cyclops Mountains
A One-Eyed ‘Cyclops’ Dog with Two Tongues and No Nose was Born in The Philippines
A 'cyclops' puppy has been hailed as lucky by Thai villagers after he was born with only one eye in the middle of his head. The mutant mutt - called Kevin after the Minions cartoon character - was in a litter of two in Chachoengsao, central Thailand. Two days after the unusual dog's birth on Sunday February 2 he appears to be fit and healthy, with his owners bottle … [Read more...] about A One-Eyed ‘Cyclops’ Dog with Two Tongues and No Nose was Born in The Philippines
Species of Prehistoric European “Bear Dog” Named After Human-Eating Cyclops
This beast weighed the same as an upright Schumann piano. A new species of predator that formerly thrived in Europe has been identified by an international team of paleontologists. All because of a petrified lower jaw. This new species is a member of the carnivore group known as "bear dogs," so named because they resembled a hybrid between a huge dog and a bear. To be … [Read more...] about Species of Prehistoric European “Bear Dog” Named After Human-Eating Cyclops