In September 2018, as the remnants of Hurricane Florence swept over the Jersey Shore in New Jersey, an extraordinary sight unfolded in the skies. The Sun emerged from one direction, casting its radiant light, but in the opposite, an unusual and breathtaking phenomenon took shape: a hall of rainbows. Captured by the keen lens of photographer John Entwistle and his daughter, … [Read more...] about The Spectacular Surprise: Supernumerary Rainbows over Jersey Shore
New Jersey Homeowner Faces Staggering Fine for Felling Neighbor’s Trees: The $1,000 Per Tree Penalty
In the peaceful town of Kinnelon, New Jersey, a tranquil neighborhood dispute has recently taken a dramatic twist, serving as a stark reminder that in the realm of tree law, the penalties can be as jaw-dropping as they are eye-opening. For tree enthusiasts and legal aficionados alike, the intricacies of tree law have found a peculiar home in online communities such as … [Read more...] about New Jersey Homeowner Faces Staggering Fine for Felling Neighbor’s Trees: The $1,000 Per Tree Penalty