A heartwarming story that shows the incredible bond between dogs and humans has recently gone viral. The story involves a 5-year-old girl and her family's pit bull, and it's a testament to the loyalty and protective nature of dogs. One day, the young girl was bitten by a neighbor's Labrador retriever while playing outside. Her family's pit bull, who was nearby, immediately … [Read more...] about 5-year-old gets bitten by neighbor’s labrador – this sets off the family pit bull who does the unimaginable
3 year old disappears from family home – A dog is hunched over her in the woods 15 hours later
It's simple to stand back and chastise parents who let their kids get lost or wander off. Of course, you will understand better if you have ever had a toddler of your own. Being young comes naturally with the urge to explore, which means that your child may be standing right next to you one minute and gone into another room the next. Little ones are brimming with … [Read more...] about 3 year old disappears from family home – A dog is hunched over her in the woods 15 hours later
Dog dies while engaging in a common game with its owner; family wants to alert others to a potential threat
With her family, Jen Walsh spent a summer day at the lake in 2017. Hanz, her two-year-old Schnauzer, accompanied them as usual. And as usual, the family and the dog enjoyed playing together. Hanz would sprint out, catch it, and bring it back while Jen would toss a stick or ball into the water. This was stated repeatedly. Hanz consistently returned eager for more and … [Read more...] about Dog dies while engaging in a common game with its owner; family wants to alert others to a potential threat
Pit Bull Grabs The Baby’s Diaper And Begins To Drag Her; The Family Quickly Realizes Why She Is A Hero
California mother Latana Chai recently experienced a terrible tragedy. When she was at home with her infant daughter Masailah, who is seven months old, the unthinkable occurred. Masailah is roughly the same size as the eight-month-old pit bull belonging to the family, Sasha. On June 3, around midnight, Sasha's mother heard her barking loudly and scratching at the backyard … [Read more...] about Pit Bull Grabs The Baby’s Diaper And Begins To Drag Her; The Family Quickly Realizes Why She Is A Hero
Watch: A Massive Sea Creature Startles A Family On A Mexican Beach
A family enjoying a beach day in the Mexican state of Baja California Sur was frightened by a massive elephant seal that emerged on the shore and approached the group. The accompanying footage, captured in the municipality of Mulege, shows the blubbery mammal approaching the family as a woman screams and a child tries to remain brave. News CD Constitution BCS shared no … [Read more...] about Watch: A Massive Sea Creature Startles A Family On A Mexican Beach